08.06.23 - 08.07.23

You’d Notice If It Wasn’t There refers to the process of how the paintings in this exhibition have been constructed and arrived at.  Both Lucienne O’Mara and Scott McCracken know that a lot of what is painted won’t be seen, but without those layers the final result would not be possible.  Each step informs the next, working with a kind of blind faith that the painting will reveal itself along the way.  When we see something, we can’t see it without the traces of what we’ve seen before, no image lives by itself. These paintings both embrace (and negate) the history behind the surface of an image.  What’s been before affects the now.

This two-person exhibition was a collaboration between Turps and OHSH Projects. The Turps Banana Studio Programme is an artist led programme, co-founded in 2012 by Marcus Harvey as an extension of the ethos of the magazine, painters talking about painting. Lucienne O’Mara was one of the first painters to participate in its inaugural year and has returned for another year in 2022. Scott McCracken is Turps Correspondence Course Leader and mentor who also participated on the Studio Programme in 2015-17.